New Moon in Pisces
The New Moon in Pisces brings our focus inward toward our own mystical, dreamy self. Work your magic to see results by the Full Moon in Pisces on August 26.
STRENGTH, reversed: Feeling anxious, worried, or over-protective? Doubting whether you truly have what it takes to manifest success? Remember that listening to others’ negativity, or even spending too much time on social media, robs you of self-esteem and self-confidence. Instead, consider all the times that you exhibited control and took the lead. Billie Holiday sings, “The difficult I’ll do right now. The impossible will take a little while.” Manage your energy with strong intentions.
Intentions: I will reflect on my courage and know that I’m still the person who can make things happen. My accomplishments show me who I am.
Gemstones: Lapis Lazuli, Carnelian, Bloodstone, Carnelian
TOWER, reversed: Something in your life requires your immediate attention and awareness, which you know and you don’t want to go there. The only way to get over it is to go through it. Delaying the process to avoid pain simply delays the pain and exacerbates the suffering. Your present discomfort is simply a feeling. Feelings are not reality, but we magnify them and look for ways to make them real, to justify their presence, to allow us to continue avoiding. The other side of avoidance, however, is transformation. Change. Get to the good stuff!
Intentions: I will plan well to minimize the impact, whatever I imagine that may be, and go nonetheless towards a reality that will be infinitely better than the made up land of feelings.
Gemstones: Watermelon tourmaline, blue or green Aventurine, Rhodochrosite, Moonstone, Labradorite, Amethyst
HERMIT, reversed: Connections with your spiritual (divine) self and socially with others are necessary for a happy life. If you’re feeling isolated, depressed, withdrawn, or empty, look to yourself for companionship. Have a date night with a great meal, a luxurious bubble bath, a comedy. Dance in the mirror and sing out loud. Remember that you’re fun and amazing. Celebrate yourself! Then when your light is shining bright, show others.
Intentions: I will increase compassion in my life when I celebrate myself. I share my awesomeness to awaken others inner lights and to create authentic connections.
Gemstones: Rainbow fluorite, Celestite, Smoky quartz, Amber, Citrine, Hematite
KNIGHT OF WANDS, reversed: We cannot control everything, as frustrating as that is. We can only control ourselves. When we respond to difficult situations with control, we feel proud of ourselves. When we react, we feel badly. In those moments, it’s important to remember self-forgiveness. Rushing through leads to sloppy outcomes. Impulsivity is irresponsible. Restlessness and impatience cause harm. The lesson might be to think things through, including consequences.
Intentions: I will meditate for self-control and ask my spirit guides to remind me that the only thing I can control is myself. I will learn from my mistakes, embarrassments, and accidents using this sage wisdom: Have patience or be a patient.
Gemstones: Peridot, Rhodochrosite, Black tourmaline, Obsidian, Yellow Tiger's Eye
EIGHT OF SWORDS, reversed: Our spirit guides want us to be open to change because it teaches us that difficulty, once overcome, increases self-acceptance. You’re not the victim. You have options. Take accountability. Free yourself by letting go of old patterns, whether it's belief systems or relationships.
Intentions: I will adopt a new program or thought process that releases me to experience the life of my higher self.
Gemstones: Amethyst, Labradorite, Rose Quartz, green Aventurine, Rhodocrosite
New Moon in Pisces tarot spread: Strength, reversed; Tower, reversed; Hermit, reversed; Knight of Wands, reversed; Eight of Swords, reversed